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Doraville Art Waivers and Agreements

The following waivers and agreements were acknowledged during online registration. This document is for registrants to have a permanent record of the policies and expectations agreed to online.

For the following waivers and agreements, the term “registrant” refers to the person(s) who will be taking part in the class, activity, and/or event.

• If the registrant is under the age of 18, the person agreeing to these waivers and agreements verifies they are the legal parent/guardian of the registrant and have legal authority to consent on their behalf.

• Registrants 18 and older should complete these waivers and agreements themselves.

Code of Conduct

The pur­pose of the Doraville Art Center is to pro­vide open and equi­table access to infor­ma­tion, and to facil­i­tate use of art center resources for all mem­bers of the com­mu­ni­ty. All per­sons should expect an atmos­phere that is calm, qui­et and safe. 

To ensure safe­ty and secu­ri­ty and pro­vide a suit­able envi­ron­ment for art center use, vis­i­tors and patrons are required to fol­low these con­duct guide­lines, which have been approved by the Doraville Art Board of Directors.

Con­duct expec­ta­tions for art center visitors:

  • Be respect­ful of staff and oth­er patrons. 

  • Respect the com­fort and safe­ty of oth­ers and com­ply with rea­son­able requests from staff.

  • Wear prop­er attire, includ­ing shirts and shoes, that is appro­pri­ate for a pub­lic setting.

  • Return art center mate­ri­als when you are fin­ished with them by giv­ing them to staff or plac­ing them in des­ig­nat­ed areas.

Guide­lines for per­son­al items:

  • Vis­i­tors must lim­it per­son­al belong­ings to two (2) bags, no larg­er than a typ­i­cal car­ry-on sized bag, so as not to impede use of the art center by others.

  • Patrons must keep per­son­al belong­ings with them at all times. 

  • Art Center staff are not respon­si­ble for items left unattended. 

  • Per­son­al items left unat­tend­ed are sub­ject to disposal. 

  • Art Center staff reserve the right to inspect all bags.

Respon­si­bil­i­ties for care­givers, par­ents and guardians:

  • Par­ents or guardians are respon­si­ble for the con­duct and safe­ty of per­sons under their care.

  • Chil­dren 15 and younger must be accom­pa­nied by a respon­si­ble care­giv­er who is at least 18 years old.

  • Contact information (cell phone number) for a responsible caregiver must be on file with the art center for any attendee under 18

Pro­hib­it­ed forms of conduct:

  • Behav­ing in a man­ner that can be rea­son­ably expect­ed to dis­turb oth­er art center users or staff, includ­ing, but not lim­it­ed to:

    • Loud talk­ing such as when using a cell phone or computer.

    • Use of head­phones at a vol­ume that can be heard by others.

    • Unau­tho­rized group meet­ings or activities.

    • Use of offen­sive language.

    • Sleep­ing.

    • Hav­ing strong body odor, cloth­ing odor or per­son­al hygiene that inter­feres with staff or anoth­er patron’s use of the art center.

  • Ver­bal and/​or phys­i­cal harass­ment of staff or oth­er patrons, includ­ing, but not lim­it­ed to: 

    • Using hate speech or threat­en­ing, pro­fane or dis­crim­i­na­to­ry language.

    • Phys­i­cal contact.

    • Bul­ly­ing behav­ior such as name call­ing, mak­ing belit­tling com­ments and using ver­bal or phys­i­cal intimidation.

    • Stalk­ing behav­ior. For exam­ple, fol­low­ing per­sons on the premis­es with­out their per­mis­sion, or star­ing or watch­ing per­sons in a man­ner which could rea­son­ably be con­strued as dis­turb­ing or threatening.

    • Any form of sex­u­al mis­con­duct, includ­ing expo­sure, offen­sive touch­ing or sex­u­al harassment.

Oth­er items, activ­i­ties and behav­iors that are not permitted:

  • Removal of cer­tain mate­ri­als from the art center, such as ref­er­ence books or art supplies.

  • Improp­er use of art center prop­er­ty, includ­ing, but not lim­it­ed to:

    • Dam­age, destruc­tion or theft of prop­er­ty or facilities.

    • Mov­ing fur­ni­ture or equipment.

    • Using restrooms for bathing, shav­ing or wash­ing clothing.

    • Using elec­tri­cal out­lets for any pur­pose oth­er than charg­ing lap­tops, tablet devices, or phones.

    • Loi­ter­ing and/​or camp­ing on art center prop­er­ty between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 11:00 a.m.

    • Enter­ing non-pub­lic areas such as staff work rooms, offices and stor­age areas.

  • Con­sum­ing food and bev­er­ages, except in approved areas by pri­or arrange­ment.

  • Sell­ing, adver­tis­ing, peti­tion­ing or solic­it­ing for con­tri­bu­tions or sup­port, except as authorized.

  • Ani­mals, except ser­vice ani­mals as defined by the Amer­i­cans with Dis­abil­i­ties Act, unless authorized.

  • Car­ry­ing, dis­play­ing or draw­ing any weapon, unless per­mit­ted by law.

  • Use of tobac­co, alco­hol or ille­gal substances.

  • Smoking/​vaping inside build­ing.

  • Any ille­gal act or con­duct in vio­la­tion of fed­er­al, state, or local law, ordi­nance or regulation.

Vis­i­tors who vio­late this Code of Con­duct will be asked to mod­i­fy their behav­ior and may be sub­ject to sus­pen­sion of art center priv­i­leges. Ille­gal activ­i­ty will be sub­ject to prosecution.

Consent to Participate and Waiver of Liability

I consent for the registrant to participate in classes, activities, performances, and events at Doraville Art Center ("DART Center").

I shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend Doraville Art, including its employees, agents and trustees (the "DART") against any and all claims, actions or suits brought for damages or alleged damages, and from all liability, loss and expense, including reasonable legal expenses, resulting from any injury to person or property or from loss of life sustained by the registrant while participating in classes, and activities at home, online or on the premises of Doraville Art Center and other venues where DART activities may take place.


I understand the registrant is responsible for maintaining control over all personal items and agree I shall not hold Doraville Art liable for the loss or theft of the registrant’s personal items.

Media Release

​I hereby give to Doraville Art, its legal representatives and assigns, those for whom Doraville Art is acting, their media and partner organizations, and those acting with their authority, the permission to record and use in any medium the registrant’s image and/or sound and give all rights to the sound, still, or moving images to Doraville Art. I further give the unrestricted right and permission to copyright, use, and publish the registrant’s image and/or sound in which they may be included intact or in part in conjunction with their own or a fictitious name for promotion, advertising, or any other purpose whatsoever. I also permit the use of any printed material in connection therewith. I hereby relinquish any right I may have to examine or approve the completed product or products or the advertising copy or printed matter that may be used in conjunction therewith or the use to which it may be applied. I hereby release, discharge and agree to hold harmless Doraville Art, its legal representatives or assigns, and all persons functioning under their permission or authority, or those for whom they are functioning, from any liability by virtue of any blurring, distortion, alteration, optical illusion, or use, that may occur

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